Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, August 22, 2011


Gambar Hiasan. Inilah dia tiramisu. Main kandungan adalah mascarpone cheese dan espresso.then gune telur mentah, yg dpkul smpai kmbng..di layer kn dgn butterfingers..ala, biskut pnjang2 cm jari tu..rse dier kdai nyer ritu mmg sdap.

Inilah dia mascarpone cheese yang kami guna. Harga mahal skit. Sedikit sejarah mascarpone cheese: "A soft, white, fresh, vegetarian, cream cheese from the Lombardy region of southern Italy. In fact, it is not cheese at all, but rather the result of a culture being added to the cream skimmed off the milk, used in the production of Parmesan. It is, however, described as a curd cheese, although it is made in much the same way as yogurt" - from cheese.com.

Ni version kami. Nak wat dlm gelas cntik, xde..slalu org wat dlm gelas wine..sbb bntuk unik..